Saturday, April 21, 2012

How to score in Mathematics in Engineering Entrances?

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How to score in Mathematics in Engineering Entrances?
In all the Engineering entrances,Mathematics is always the hardest subject.Though it depends upon how you have prepared for individual subject,but looking at the previous years papers and response of the students,it is maths that has been the hardest.You can always find students after the exam saying Physics and Chemistry was not difficult,but they couldnt score in maths.This years IIT-JEE paper reveals the same story.


Mathematics is a subject that requires constant practice and cannot be mastered in a few days,but there are a few things that you can do to score a little higher.
What to do?
  • The first thing you should do is to go through previous year mathematics papers.They will give you a good idea about the type of questions asked and how much time you are taking to solve them.Besides,the questions may be repeated making your life easier
  • Formulas in maths are very important.To keep them in mind,i advice you to make chart and write down all the important formulas,hang it on the wall and read them regularly.This would enable you  to use the right formula even in tense situations.
  • Go for the topics that you are confident about.Solving the questions where you are not confident would not help you at this time.
  • In the Exam,finish Physics and Chemistry  first and then move to Maths.Leave sufficient  for maths so that you can score better.
  • Sometimes questions from mathematics can be really lengthy so dont get stuck to them,move on to other question.
Link the link to get all the mathematics formulas.

In all the Engineering entrances,Mathematics is always the hardest subject.Though it depends upon how you have prepared for individual subject,but looking at the previous years papers and response of the students,it is maths that has been the hardest.You can always find students after the exam saying Physics and Chemistry was not difficult,but they couldnt score in maths.This years IIT-JEE paper reveals the same story.


Mathematics is a subject that requires constant practice and cannot be mastered in a few days,but there are a few things that you can do to score a little higher.
What to do?
  • The first thing you should do is to go through previous year mathematics papers.They will give you a good idea about the type of questions asked and how much time you are taking to solve them.Besides,the questions may be repeated making your life easier
  • Formulas in maths are very important.To keep them in mind,i advice you to make chart and write down all the important formulas,hang it on the wall and read them regularly.This would enable you  to use the right formula even in tense situations.
  • Go for the topics that you are confident about.Solving the questions where you are not confident would not help you at this time.
  • In the Exam,finish Physics and Chemistry  first and then move to Maths.Leave sufficient  for maths so that you can score better.
  • Sometimes questions from mathematics can be really lengthy so dont get stuck to them,move on to other question.
Link the link to get all the mathematics formulas.


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