Saturday, May 12, 2012

EAMCET Primary Answer key 2012

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EAMCET Primary Answer key 2012
The primary answer key for Eamcet 2012 is likely to be declared on 13th just a day after the exam.The final exam key will be declared on 24 May 2012.The JNTUH has decided to give 25% weightage to the intermediate marks.
Narayana Answer Key( Set-A)-Download
Sri Chaitanya answer key (Code -D)-Downlaod

If you dont have the question paper then you can download it right here EAMCET Medical Paper
                                                                                                                       EAMCET Engineering paper

EAMCET 2009 and 2010 Ranks according to the Marks
< 10>152>147
< 100>145>138
< 500>135>123
< 1000>127>116
< 2000>118>108
< 5000>102>97
< 6000>101>93
< 8000>98>86
< 10000>96>79
< 15000>88>77
< 20000>83>76

EAMCET 2011 Toppers and Marks

The primary answer key for Eamcet 2012 is likely to be declared on 13th just a day after the exam.The final exam key will be declared on 24 May 2012.The JNTUH has decided to give 25% weightage to the intermediate marks.
Narayana Answer Key( Set-A)-Download
Sri Chaitanya answer key (Code -D)-Downlaod

If you dont have the question paper then you can download it right here EAMCET Medical Paper
                                                                                                                       EAMCET Engineering paper

EAMCET 2009 and 2010 Ranks according to the Marks
< 10>152>147
< 100>145>138
< 500>135>123
< 1000>127>116
< 2000>118>108
< 5000>102>97
< 6000>101>93
< 8000>98>86
< 10000>96>79
< 15000>88>77
< 20000>83>76

EAMCET 2011 Toppers and Marks


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