Friday, May 11, 2012

Incorrect answer key of iit jee 2012 on its website

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Incorrect answer key of iit jee 2012 on its website

The answer key on the IIT-JEE website is not correct,said by expert.The various subject experts saw the answer on IIT-JEE website and found some mistakes on there. Subject experts are challenging  the JEE 2012 answer key published on its website.
The answer given for Question No 35 under Paper II (Chemistry) is not correct, as the multiple choice question has more than two  options correct, whereas the answer key of IIT-JEE considers only two options  (A) and (D) correct. “The question for reversible expansion of an ideal  gas under adiabatic and isothermal conditions has (A), (D) and (C) options  correct, as work done (calculated in terms of energy) for isothermal condition  (under constant temperature) is greater than adiabatic condition under the same  volume of expansion,” says RN Singh, senior professor of Physical
Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University

According to AK Jha, expert of Physics who operates a  coaching institute in Varanasi, different sign convention for work done by the  system should not affect the answer, unless otherwise sign convention is  mentioned. In the particular question, it is not mentioned whether the work  done w is on the system or by the system. Therefore, if answer marked by  students is A, C, D then it cannot be considered as wrong.

The various subject experts are emphasizing on the need to  resolve the discrepancy by combined expert of Chemistry and Physics because  wrong answers will not only affect the career of students but will also  establish wrong conception.

The answer key on the IIT-JEE website is not correct,said by expert.The various subject experts saw the answer on IIT-JEE website and found some mistakes on there. Subject experts are challenging  the JEE 2012 answer key published on its website.
The answer given for Question No 35 under Paper II (Chemistry) is not correct, as the multiple choice question has more than two  options correct, whereas the answer key of IIT-JEE considers only two options  (A) and (D) correct. “The question for reversible expansion of an ideal  gas under adiabatic and isothermal conditions has (A), (D) and (C) options  correct, as work done (calculated in terms of energy) for isothermal condition  (under constant temperature) is greater than adiabatic condition under the same  volume of expansion,” says RN Singh, senior professor of Physical
Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University

According to AK Jha, expert of Physics who operates a  coaching institute in Varanasi, different sign convention for work done by the  system should not affect the answer, unless otherwise sign convention is  mentioned. In the particular question, it is not mentioned whether the work  done w is on the system or by the system. Therefore, if answer marked by  students is A, C, D then it cannot be considered as wrong.

The various subject experts are emphasizing on the need to  resolve the discrepancy by combined expert of Chemistry and Physics because  wrong answers will not only affect the career of students but will also  establish wrong conception.


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